Proposition #4: Linnaeus
A virtual installation for the Linnaeus Garden, Uppsala, Sweden
By Paul Cullen Archive, 2022–2023
This interactive, virtual project realises a speculative proposal made by artist Paul Cullen in 2011 to install works from his r/p/m (revolutions per minute) series around the globe at historical centres for scientific study (sites that the artist had visited and researched). For Proposition #4 Linnaeus, Cullen proposed installing two r/p/m artworks, titled Table A and Table B (both unrealised), in the Linnaeus Garden in Uppsala, Sweden. Propositions #1, #2, #3, and #5 locate artworks at the Eise Eisinga Planetarium in Franeker, the Netherlands; the Octagon Room in the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England; Musick Memorial Radio Station on Naupata Reserve, Aotearoa; and the Alhambra in Granada, Spain. The Paul Cullen Archive will realise propositions 1–4 as virtual installations between December 2022 and March 2023.
Cullen initially presented these hypothetical site-related r/p/m installations as a series of five interchangeable gatefold covers wrapping the publication Paul Cullen: r/p/m, published by split/fountain in 2011. This publication includes documentation of Cullen's r/p/m series installed in the artist's Panmure studio in Tāmaki Makaurau. Describing the works, he notes that: "each sculpture proposes, though fails to perform, some kind of rational purposes such as demonstration, observation or measurement."
For Linnaeus Garden, a digital model of the garden and Orangery room of the Linnaeus Museum room is situated directly on the r/p/m proposition #4 publication cover over the artist's plan that indicates the layout of the garden and the position of artworks with a letter and text. The two proposed works were never constructed by the artist but various iterations were detailed in workbook sketches and were a development of the water circulation component of his installation Recent Discoveries (1993). Models were generated through photogrammetry of an existing waterproofed-table in the Paul Cullen Archive. Piping and associated props and supports were added digitally following these sketches. Due to limitations of the platform, the flow of water is represented through an iterating image. The two models of these sculptures are placed in the virtual Linnaeus Garden as closely as possible to the artist's indicated position. The artist's concept reads:
"Carl Linnaeus [1707–1778] was responsible for this garden during his tenure at Uppsala University. Linnaeus was a Swedish botanist, zoologist and physician who laid the foundations for binomial nomenclature used in the classification of living things. Within the Linnaeus garden is a pool which will be integral to this project."
"Linnaeus is a development of the water circulation component of Recent Discoveries [1993] in which water was pumped from a waterproofed cardboard box to a fountain in the gallery courtyard. Water from the fountain flowed into a glass tank returning to the box inside the gallery via a second hose."
"The Linnaeus project will locate a submersible water pump in the garden pool which will pump water to a container inside the Linnaeus Museum. Water from the museum container will return to the pool via a hose and table mounted fountain. Hoses, tanks and tables employed in the project will carry graduated markings while rulers (metric) will be deployed in the propping and support of hoses where this is required."
—Paul Cullen, 2011
In Cullen's floor plan, Table:R1 is positioned directly next to the Garden pool with plastic tubing connecting it to Table:R2 located within the Linnaeus Museum. A submersible water pump within the pool pumps water to a container inside the Linnaeus museum. Water from the museum container returns to the pool via a hose and table mounted fountain.
Unfortunately, Mozilla Hubs was shut down on May 31, 2024, so the four virtual installations can no longer be viewed.
Diagram of the proposed artwork Table: R1 to be installed in the Linnaeus Garden.
Paul Cullen, 2011
Diagram of the proposed artwork Table: R2 to be installed in the Linnaeus Garden.
Paul Cullen, 2011
Credits and Acknowledgements
Digital r/p/m is part of Huarere: Weather Eye, Weather Ear, Te Tuhi (Pakuranga, Tāmaki Makaurau), curated by Janine Randerson, as a contribution to the World Weather Network, 2022–2023.
Digital r/p/m concept
Paul Cullen Archive
Artwork models by Paul Cullen Archive (Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa / New Zealand)
Artwork animation by Felipe Pulfer (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Linnaesus model by Biyanto Rebin (Uppsala, Sweden)
r/p/m publication covers (2011)
Publication concept by Paul Cullen, Jayme Yen and Layla Tweedie-Cullen
Artwork by Paul Cullen
Design by Jayme Yen and Layla Tweedie-Cullen
Thanks to
Lars-Göran Josefsson from Uppsala University Sweden for communicating the project to students
Stuart Bertolotti-Bailey
Janine Randerson
p. mule, et al.
Produced with support from Creative New Zealand
Other r/p/m propositions